The Voyage: Roz Savage
Seasonal Silliness
25 Dec 2006, Leeds, Yorkshire

The next in my series of unfeasibly awful poetry, written by Rosalind Savage, aged 7 and 3/4.

Christmas Day

I woke up one morning feeling excited,
But I couldn't recall why I felt as delighted,
And then I remembered, it's Christmas Day!
We are going to have a party with games to play.

I looked at my stocking, it was filled to popping,
With lots of parcels and a pogo-stick for hopping.
I rushed downstairs, and saw the tree,
Underneath it were lots more presents for me.

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Happy Birthday To Me!
23 Dec 2006, Leeds, Yorkshire

Last night Mum and I were digging through old family photos because the YTV team wanted to include them in the documentary. We came across some achingly bad poems I wrote when I was about seven. I reproduce one below for your excruciation. Note totally random reference to a cow in the last line. I don't know, so don't ask.

And by the way, it's my birthday today. I'm 39, so I guess this is the last birthday I will ever own up to. I will now be 39 forever.

Christmas Shopping

I'm doing Christmas shopping,
My bags nearly popping.

Theres so many things to choose,
It really gets me quite confused.

I think I'll get some learning letters
No a farm set would be better.

I think I'll go and see the lights,
They really will be a delight.

I've got all the presents now,
So I think I'll go home, to feed the cow!

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Go Sophie!
22 Dec 2006, Leeds, Yorkshire

15 solo rowboats started out across the Atlantic on 19th November, racing from Saint Louis, Senegal to Saint Laurent, French Guyana in the Rames-Guyane Race 2006. Five have already retired from the race, but what really caught my eye is that the rower in second place, with just 775 miles to go, is a woman - Sophie Mace, aged 46.

Dammit - there go all my excuses about women being slower rowers. Only kidding. Fantastic effort, Sophie - go for it girl!!

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Lights Camera Action Row
22 Dec 2006, Leeds, Yorkshire

Today was spent performing for the cameras, on the water and off. YTV are making a documentary about my Atlantic row as part of their successful series 'Is It Worth It?'. Today we recorded action shots and interviews to supplement the footage I shot on the ocean.

This morning I was out on the water in a foggy Roundhay Park. We were greeted by Richard from the recently-formed Leeds Rowing Club, who offered me the choice of a beginner's boat or a racing shell. I'm now used to boats that are 6 feet wide and uncapsizeable so the beginner's boat looked reassuringly stable, but hey, I'm brave enough to row an ocean - bring on the racing shell!

The boat is about 8 inches wide and relies on the oars for stability. If I 'caught a crab' with one oar I'd be in the water and swimming. I wobbled off nervously, reckoning that if I was going to fall in I may as well do it on camera and immortalise my embarrassment.

But I stayed dry and actually rather enjoyed it. In no time I was skimming around the lake while Tony the cameraman worked up a sweat keeping up with me with his huge camera.

Then it was back to Mum's house so Mum and I could be interviewed on whether we thought my Atlantic row 'was worth it'. My answer? You'll have to wait for the show to go out in February to find out.

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