Peary Centennial
March 15th Update
Annie Aggens
16 March 2009
The team reports today that they made 5.9 nautical miles in 7 hours of travel. The ice conditions today were better than yesterday, with roughly 1/3 of the day in rough ice, and the rest of the day meandering in a zig zag fashion trying to avoid the worst of the very prominent snow drifts that exist in the lee of every piece of ice. In general during the expedition the wind has been blowing mostly east to west, sometimes west to east at approximately 5-15 mph. This means that the snow drifts are all east-west. Heading north the team has to cross them all the time. This makes for a LOT of work! The wind brings some other challenges, like protecting your face from frostbite. The team members are all watching out for each other in this regard, letting each other know if there is a patch of skin that is exposed. But the wind can also bring some beautiful sights, like today when the blowing snow particles in air scattered the sun's rays making a multitude of sun dogs appear behind them towards Ellesmere. "It was beautiful" is what they tell us... The team's position in degrees, minutes and seconds is N83.43.28, W77.40.18. Check back tomorrow for another dispatch!