One World Expedition Main
Trekking across the Arctic Ocean to raise awareness of Global Warming and the plight of the Polar Bear.
40 F cloudy
May 1, Grand Marais

John hoelscher has left the building - and the county and state for that matter. John and GREENPEACE`s Josh are now in Wisconsin heading for New York and JFK airport. Along for the ride is our entire life support for the next three and a half months of our lives. Canoes, stoves, food and more are now tooling merrily down I-90 and a new adventure. Big Apple look out!

What a relief! We can`t even begin to describe the emotions that have been flooding through our brains lately. All this, everything actually, for the past two and a half years has been preparation for the next few days. It`s overwhelming and satisfying in the same breath.

Of course, we have been so extremely busy that to even try to picture our lives on the Arctic sea ice stretches the limits of our imagination. But for this small moment, I`ll try. Instead of talking, we will be doing. To replace the Sawtooth Mountains of our backyards, we will only see pressured ice. The shores of Lake Superior will disappear, for us, this summer. Instead, we`ll get salt water and ice.

But like I said. We still have to make it through the next few days running on empty with our heads spinning!

40 F overcast
April 29, Grand Marais

Can you say crazy? Good, I thought you could. It has been an energy packed few days - to say the least. After a fantastic send off party in Lutsen, we packed our city clothes for a visit to New York City. The One world contingent included expedition manager Ann Possis, her husband Clyde Hanson and of course, Sarah Allen and Kelly Dupre.

Now, we're back in Grand Marais for a couple of days. While here, the office is a whirlwind of activity. After a few last- minute canoe modifications, we're almost ready.

Of course, we still have to fly to New York tonight to appear on the CBS Early Show Saturday morning. Then it's back to Grand Marais for two days for final packing and goodbyes. We head to Moscow via New York May 4.

A Mother's Love
50 F sunny
April 25, Lutsen, MN

It is now a matter of days before the expedition departs Minnesota. On Saturday, we were able to celebrate with many of the sponsors, friends and relatives who have helped us over the past two and a half years. Even our mothers, Kate Cartier (left) and Judy Larsen (right), showed up to offer more of their unconditional love. The Bon Voyage Bash at Papa Charlie's in Lutsen was a huge success and a good time was had by all.

What's next? All we have to do is put the finishing touches on our packing, wax our ski boots and catch a flight to Moscow. OK, it's a little more complicated than that, and we do have a bit of work to do as well, but we're in the home stretch.

For all of you in Minnesota, we will be on MPR's midmorning on May 3 at 10 am.

Tech Training
45 F partly cloudy
April 22, Grand Marais

Sure it's not the North Pole, but Grand Marais is as good as place as any to test our communications equipment. Yesterday we spent the afternoon with Greenpeace's tech-guru Mike Johnson. With only two weeks until our departure, it is imperative that all of our electronic equipment is functioning properly, 'bomb proof,' and easy to use.

For the past few days, John Hoelscher has been busy modifying and testing all of our electronic gear. He has been relentless in his task to make sure that our satellite phone, camera and other electronic gear can all be charged with our Brunton Solar Roll panels. He has been coordinating his efforts with Mike Johnson for the past two days.

Mike's arrival was a welcome addition. His expertise was invaluable as was his delivery of the expedition's palm top computer, the OQO. Roughly the size of a large Palm Pilot, this computer has 20 gigabytes of memory and will be used to send reports and images to the Web site. It also has the ability to send video or other information through a wireless connection for up to 3,000 feet. Amazing!

Ann in the Apple
60 F rain
April 19, Grand Marais

Ann Possis is really racking up the frequent flyer miles lately. Her newest adventure finds her flying the friendly skies on her way to the Big Apple - New York, New York. But why send the 'Possinator' to the 'City that Never Sleeps' when the expedition departure is looming so near and we need her in Grand Marais? It's simple really: official OWE business.

Greenpeace Executive Director John Passacantando will lead a panel of cutting-edge filmmakers and activists in a conversation about the world's greatest ecological threat. Documentary filmmaker Judith Helfand will show sneak previews from her
film-in-progress "Melting Planet" about global warming and human nature. Most importantly, Ann Possis, will share how two intrepid explorers (that's us), with Greenpeace, will bring real-time images of global warming straight to a worldwide audience.

Of course, Ann won't have much time for sight seeing, either. While in NYC, she will be meeting with potential sponsors as well. This week New York, next week. well actually she'll be in New York again, but we'd better save that story for a future update.

Flag 49
Sunny and 50 F
April 15, Grand Marais

As a member of the prestigious Explorers Club, Lonnie was recently awarded Flag #49 by their board of directors to take on the One World Expedition. While this may seem like a simple gesture, it is one steeped in tradition and history.

"The Explorers club flag represents an impressive history of courage and accomplishment and has been carried by many noted members on their expeditions: to carry it is an honor and a privilege. It has flown at both poles, from the highest peaks of the greatest mountain ranges and traveled to the depths of the ocean and to outer space," writes Harry Davis Brooks Chairman, Flag and Honors Committee and Explorers Club Fellow National '93.

Flag #49 has traveled to Kilimanjaro, to the Stefanson Memorial in the Canadian Arctic, the Caribbean, Okavango and in 1932 taken to North Greenland by Captain Robert Bartlett, who in the annals of polar exploration, is one of the greats.

The Arctic Museum Online writes, "Captain Bob Bartlett, shipmate and comrade of both Robert E. Peary and Donald B. MacMillan, was a steadfast and reliable member of the Arctic expeditions for which he captained the Roosevelt under the command of Peary. Bartlett himself also commanded many successful expeditions on his beloved ship the Effie M. Morrissey. Through these voyages, he contributed immensely to knowledge about the Arctic, since he placed the value of scientific research above that of pure exploration."

Next stop for Flag #49, the North Pole!

Churchill Flashback
50 F partly sunny
April 10, Grand Marais

We are comfortably nestled back in Grand Marais - at least for now. While we are very focused on getting through the next few weeks and our looming departure, it is hard not to remember our recent visit to Churchill.

Put simply, we had a blast. We were there for only a short while, but we were welcomed by everyone from the owners of Gypsy's restaurant and bakery to the occasional passerby. Of course, we got the usual crazy looks heading out of town with our slacs in tow.

"Do you know there are polar bears out there?" people would ask. "What are those?" others questioned.

Through it all, Claude (pictured) Daudet, owner and operator of Gyrfalcon Arctic Expeditions Co., Inc, was there for us. Even though he collapsed with severe exhaustion, flu and who knows what else, Claude helped arrange all of our Churchill logistics. And if you consider that he helped shuttle a large film crew across the sea ice for seven days, you can begin to understand his crucial role in the One World Expedition. If you're ever in Churchill, make sure you talk with Claude.

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