Polar Explorer Eric Larsen
Day 46: Happy New Year
sunny -16 C -32 C windchill
01 January 2010 | Antarctica
The bitter wind of yesterday evening died mysteriously sometime during the night. Still overcast however, the calm day immediately brightend our spirits (those same spirits had been drained to almost zero the day before). It was a better New Year's day than we had anticipated.

We skied sandwiched between flat, featureless snow and a low hanging cloud layer. In the distance, we aimed toward a small sliver of blue. With no real drifts to mark our progress, we seemed to be traveling in limbo - not getting any closer or farther away from anything. Normally, this would be frustrating, but it was actually quite serene.

'It felt like a zen garden,' Bill said. 'Everything was calm, relatively warm and no bright sun.'

Dongsheng was occupied with more practical matters: finding energy. 'I ate a double lunch,' he announced and then added, 'Today is the first time that I feel like I can actually make it.'

The new year, our proximity to the pole... It was a day for reflection as well as looking forward. Our calmness is the result of almost 50 days of very hard work.

We are farther away from you than ever before. What lies in the gap between you and us? Chairs, tables and just about every other creature comfort that's for sure. Traditionally, physical separation leads to philosophical differences. Yet, here we are an American, Chinese and Irish Canadian traveling, eating, working, living together. When we meet each other on a similar field, dissimilarities disappear. We are a team working toward a common goal.

For now, we take comfort in this one simple thought: another step away brings us closer to home.

Image: A snack break during the day.

Remember, it's cool to be cold. Save the Poles. Save the planet.

For more information, please visit www.ericlarsenexplore.com

For information about guided Antarctic expeditions, please visit http://www.antarctic-logistics.com/

For information about Bill Hanlon's foundation, please visit www.basichealthfoundation.org

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